  • Designated Drivers & Taxi's: Drunk Locker

    Designated Drivers & Taxi's: Drunk Locker

    7.2 3.0 2025-03-22

This app allows you to call designated drivers, local taxis and block out apps.

Our goal for this app is to increase public safety and to ensure that all of our users make smart decisions. We want you to use this app and to get home safe.

Drunk Locker offers many things such as blocking calls and texts, as well as calling your local taxi service to come pick you up when you’ve had a little too much to drink. Our app also offers you the chance to choose a designated driver for you to call when you're out so that you can be responsible. Drunk Locker allows you to block incoming calls or outgoing calls to your boss, ex's or family members that you do not want to contact when intoxicated. You could say we’re just a friend trying to watch over you.

With many articles written about our app and a large group of supporters and sponsors Drunk Locker is the best app you can have.

Benefits of our app:

♦Find a Ride

Our app was made to focus on partying while also being safe. We want you to go out and have a good time so we implanted features to call a local taxi to pick you up when you’ve had a little bit too much alcohol. Not only can you call a taxi, but we’ve also created a feature call Designated Driver to call your friends and get a ride home! Drunk Locker does not encourage maneuvering a vehicle when intoxicated and wants you to be safe at all times.

♦Blocks Incoming and Out Going Calls and Texts

Do you ever regret your drunken texts or calls the next morning after a night out of partying? Then make sure to try this feature! We’re always watching over your shoulder and telling you to not send that text to your ex or boss when you’re not in the right state of mind.

♦ We block the most common social media apps on the app store

This feature prevents you from posting embarrassing things on social media. With over 30 different social media apps to block, you’ll never have to worry about posting anything embarrassing. Use this feature to prevent those risky posts and saves you from regret the next day.

♦Password Protected

All these features are protected by a beautifully crafted password so that you do not have to worry about unlocking them. You can toggle the password off and have all your apps blocked until the time runs out or create a password to unlock your apps later on.

Safety Tips

Drunk Locker has combined many features to allow you to party, but also be safe. We do not want anyone getting a DUI or having to worry about making a mistake that could be deadly so we have implanted these features like calling a taxi and setting a designated driver. A designated driver or taxi may be the difference between having a great night and having a not so great night.

Any type of alcohol leads to the same result, a high BAB(blood alcohol level) so please drink responsibly. Remember that one drink is considered 12 oz of beer, 1.5 oz of liquor, and 5 oz of wine so make sure to not consume too much. Consuming too much alcohol, liquor or beer can lead to a dangerous out come so please be safe.

*Email us suggestions: [email protected]

Disclaimer: Please do not drink and drive. We do not condone underage drinking or any other illegal matters.

What's New in the Latest Version 3.0

Last updated on Dec 30, 2016 Just in time for 2017, Drunk Locker is now functional again with many new changes:
-PASSWORD unlock ability, set a password to use in order to unlock blocked apps before the timer
-Don't want the ability to unlock your blocked apps before the timer runs out? Then just make sure that the password ability is set to OFF (in Settings) and carry on using the app how you please.
- Instructions on how to properly use the app

Some devices may be incompatible with a few of the features, I apologize!

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